Blue-Ox Maxx

Blue Ox Maxx Concentrate is formulated with 6% H2O2. The dilution rate for Blue Ox Maxx Concentrate is to be mixed with clean water at a 1:1 ratio for a maximum dilution rate of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Blue Ox Maxx is available in 5-gallon buckets, 55-gallon drums, and 275-gallon totes.
Product Application
With a fogging device, an applicator can treat approximately 2,000 square feet with just one gallon
of Blue Ox Maxx. There are no toxic fumes as experienced with bleach or many other chemical
solutions, Blue Ox Maxx has a pleasant lemon scent. It has no flash point, the pH is 4.0-5.0, and the shelf life is one year.